Picasso’s Pixel Challenge

07th February / Bizpedia / Web3

In our most recent board meeting month, we decided to introduce a game called the “Picasso’s Pixel Challenge”, where our members had to use an AI image generation tool to depict a certain topic.


Last month, the topic was “a typical day in the life of a business owner”. Each member had 5 minutes to complete the challenge and email a copy of their artwork to the host.


As you can see from the photos, each member set out with very different ideas of how they would capture the subject. Using only prompts and the still very new AI technology, you might be surprised by how well many of these turned out!


As the 5 minutes came to an end, the submissions came flooding in…


Some opted to portray the stress of day-to-day time commitments with imagery of frazzled looking business owners, overwhelmed by laptops and stopwatches. And others went as far as to use symbolism of being surrounded by demons or an angry mob of lawyers!

On the other hand, a few members (who must have been having a much better week) decided to paint the life of a business owner in a more positive light, showing a business owner lending a hand to another on the climb to success, and another showing that he has been able to build a business doing something that he loves.

The idea with this game was to showcase first-hand the current possibilities of AI, in a hands on way, with an element of fun involved.

We would definitely recommend playing this game and seeing for yourself what these tools can create!


Here are the winners from each of the groups that participated:

Helen Freeston, Marketing Director at Paris Smith LLP

Mat Dowrick ⚡️ 🔋 💡 , Manager at My Trusted Electrical

Scott Stephens , CEO of FORTH

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